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Water and the environment


Water is a central element in all kinds of human activity, whether agricultural, industrial or domestic.

Water should be  managed and distributed between different countries and types of use, taking into account everyone’s interests, as well as preservation of its quality and of the balance of the ecosystem.

During the workshops and the agora on 10th March, which were devoted to the themes of water and the environment, we focused on the following questions:


How to establish a common ethic and education policy (in the broad sense) on sustainable use of water and our ecosystems.

How to facilitate citizen’s participation, especially for the most marginalized, and at which territorial level.

How to set up and enhance an agricultural and food system that protects water and guarantees its availability for all?

How to define and ensure a democratic and sustainable ecosystem management?


On 10th March, four workshops were devoted to water and the environment:

– Culture, ethic and environmental education

– Governance, democracy et territories in view of natural resources exploitation

– Water, agriculture and food sovereignty

– Sustainability, ecosystem-based management and impacts of human activities