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People, Planet and Water


France Libertés organized two Citizen’s Days for “People, Planet and Water” in Marseilles on the 9th and 10th of March 2012, along with le CRID, la Coalition Eau and l’Effet Papillon organizations and within the framework of the Alternative World Water Forum.

Download the program of these two days of meetings.


The meetings were a  time for civil society to coordinate actions and propose new ideas. Their aim was to draft and carry forward a humanist message with organizations and networks all around the world. The meetings were the occasion to exchange on water’s role in today’s Society, actions around the world, the successes they have obtained and the obstacles they have faced.

Four topics were at the center of discussions:

– Implementing the right to access water

– Managing water around the world

– Water and the environment

– Water and energy

Those topics were discussed in detail during workshops and agoras, with the aim of generating debate in civil society and reach consensus. Thanks to this participative process, a strong message was drawn up and brought to the Alternative World Water Forum as well as to the World Water Forum.

The “People, Planet and Water” meetings are to be seen in a wider perspective than those two events. It has been an important step in our input into the preparation of the Rio+20 World Summit, (June 2012), as well as that of the Millennium Development Goals Review Summit which will take place in 2015.

The meetings represented a key moment of debate among global Civil Society in order to ensure the status of water as a vital and non-commercial Common Good.

The debates led to a final declaration,which has since been signed by many individuals and organisationsshowing civil society consensus on the issue.

Read the declaration

If you approve the declaration defending water as a Common good of humanity and life, we invite you to sign and share it.



You can watch videos from the People, Planet and Water event here: