Operation transparency
France Libertés and a French magazine for the defence of consumer rights called “60 millions de consommateurs” (60 millions consumers) launched a wide-reaching investigation on water services in France in March 2011.
In the first year residents in France were invited to participate by examining and sending in their water bills. Their input enabled us to map water pricing, showing up differences and inconsistencies in the prices practiced by different water suppliers, mainly the large multinational companies.
The second and current phase of the operation was launched in June 2012. It consists in a collective and participative investigation on domestic water quality. Citizens can call a freephone number and leave a message on their local water quality, in particular concerning any derogations issued where water is sub-standard. It aims to raise awareness about rights concerning water quality and about the standards for healthy water.
France Libertés will release the results of this investigation on 22nd March 2013.