Flores da Serra Project / Minas Gerais, Brazil
Since 2004, we have been working in the Serra do Espinhaço region, Minas Gerais, where Danielle Mitterrand personally supported the establishment of the Serra do Espinhaço Biosphere Reserve, recognised by UNESCO in 2005.
This mobilisation to preserve three major Brazilian rivers’ water sources has also opened new opportunities to work on wealth and the social economy.
France Libertés’ representatives in Brazil take part in the “Flores da Serra project” promotion committee, which promotes local biodiversity through small-scale growing of flowers from the Serra do Espinhaço region. The flower “Sempre Viva” is very popular and is the symbol of the region. For many communities, this flower represents the chance to implement a sustainable economy.
In the village of Parauninhas, the Flores da Serra project works with 42 families to develop a flower nursery and a commercialisation system organised by SEBRAE, a Brazilian organisation promoting micro, small and medium businesses.
Serra do Espinhaço, « Parauninhas » community, « Peixe Tolo » Canyon.
Partners :
PUC-Minas / Université catholique (Professor Miguel Andrade), SEBRAE, Agence Nationale de Soutien aux PME, Association des habitants du Parauninhas.