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Our advocacy work at the UN


Indigenous peoples and local communities are guardians of the world’s biological and cultural diversity. However today their fundamental human rights, such as their right to live (water, food, and health), their right to self-determination and to the sovereignty over their lands, territories and natural resources (access, free disposal, development) are violated.

So, when third parties exploit or loot natural wealth and resources, they destroy peoples’ environment and seriously endanger peoples’ identity and traditional ways of life. 

In order to stop these countless cases of human rights violation, we use our consultative status at the UN Economic and Social Council transmit peoples’ claims for the recognition of their fundamental rights, detailed in the Convention No. 169 of the International Labour Organisation for the rights of Indigenous People’s. 

We participate in the Human Rights Council’s sessions through written and oral statements and the organisation of workshops (side-events) gathering experts and actors in the field. We support peoples’ advocacy work to defend their environment, to participate in the decision-making process regarding their territory and to participate in political and economic decisions. 

Defending oppressed minorities’ rights: our actions

Since its establishment in 1986, France Libertés has actively been defending human rights. At first, this historic involvement was primarily focused on the defence of peoples and individuals’ rights to self-determination in the face of oppression by authoritarian regimes. 

Whether in the field or in international, national or local institutions, we led significant combats such as pleading in favour of Tibetans (for acknowledgement of the Dalai Lama as the Tibetan people’s representative), defending the cause of Kurds or struggling against Apartheid in South Africa.

When Nelson Mandela was released from prison, Danielle Mitterrand had the honour of receiving him on his first visit to France.

Through our consultative status at the UN, we give “voiceless” peoples the opportunity to express themselves in the Human Rights Council and we regularly speak for them in Geneva or New York.